ISR  does not accept unsolicited book reviews, but welcomes submissions of review essays. Manuscripts should be submitted as an e-mail attachment in Word format to the editor at Authors are advised to contact the editor in advance for feed-back on the appropriateness of their proposals

Contributions may be submitted in languages other than English, with a summary in English.  If  the  submission  is  accepted,  the  author  will  be  asked to have the work  translated into English. The editor, however,  reserves the right to reject the  manuscript  if there are too few reviewers available to evaluate it in the original language.

At the beginning of the submission, give the title, or titles, of the publication(s) reviewed, the author(s), the name(s) of the publisher(s), place(s) of publication (city; also state and country if needed), year(s) of publication, number(s) of pages (stating whether  or  not  this  includes an index), cover price, and ISBN (for both hardback and paperback if available).

A book review should look exactly as follows:

Author of book under review [first name last name],

Book Title: Book Subtitle, place of publication: Publisher, year; number of pages (includes/without index): ISBN, cover price (if available)

Reviewed by reviewer’s first name last name, affiliation, country


List of 3–5 keywords separated by ;

[Your review: maximum length 1,500 words]

[Your biography and address: maximum length 75 words]


A review essay should look exactly as follows:

Title of review essay

Reviewer’s first name last name

Reviewer’s affiliation, country


[Text of abstract]


List of 3–5 keywords, separated by ;

List of books under review (see above for style)

[Your review essay: maximum length 5,000 words]

[Your biography and address: maximum length 75 words]

Do not use footnotes. Book reviews should not contain endnotes or references unless absolu-tely necessary.  Essential  notes should be indicated by a superscript  Arabic  numeral placed  after the punctuation. All notes should be placed after the text and before the reference secti-on. Any general note, acknowledgement, or brief statement should be the first, unnumbered note.

Please provide 3–5 keywords or phrases to describe your manuscript. It would be helpful if one or two of those could be relatively general (e.g. ‘sociology of religion’), while others may be more specific. Remember, these are the key to computer searches by topic.

Book reviews should be between 1200–1500 words. Review essays should be between 3500 – 5000 words. Review essays should include an abstract of 100–150 words.

In preparing your manuscript, please be sure to:

  1. type without justification;

  2. use single quotation marks (except for quotes within quotes);

  3. not insert hyphen breaks or other hard returns except when indicating the end of a para-graph;

  4. avoid embedded fonts or any dedicated notes programs—use the same program as for  the main text; use the same size type throughout;

  5. avoid all special or additional formatting, such as borders and headers;

  6. cite a reference in the text as follows: (Smith, 1995: 234);

  7. follow the SAGE Harvard reference style (see below).



    Give specific dates in the form: 22 November 2010.

    Decades may be referred to either as ‘the nineties’ or ‘the 1990s’.

Reference styles:


Clark JM and Hockey L (1979) Research for Nursing. Leeds: Dobson.

Book chapter

Gumley V (1988) Skin cancers. In:  Tschudin V and  Brown EB (eds) Nursing the Patient  with  Cancer. London: Hall House, pp. 26–52.

Journal article

Huth EJ, King K and Lock S (1988) Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biome-dical journals. British Medical Journal 296(4): 401–405.

Journal article published ahead of print

Huth EJ, King K and Lock S (1988) Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals. British Medical Journal. Epub ahead of print 12 June 2011. DOI: 10.1177/09544327167940.


National Center for Professional Certification (2002) Factors affecting organizational climate   and retention. Available at: ( accessed  10 July 2010).


Clark JM (2001) Referencing style for journals. PhD Thesis, University of Leicester, UK.


Clark JM (2006) Referencing style for journals. The Independent, 21 May, 10.

Conference article (published or unpublished)

Clark JM and Smith P (2002) Latest research on car exhaust manifolds. In: 17th international   conference on strain analysis (ed L Macadam), London, UK, 23–25 September 2010, pp.12–14. London: Professional Engineering Publishing.


Clark  JM  (2006) Article title.  In: Blog title.  Available at : (accessed 20 August 2011).


  1. MacDonald S (2008) The state of social welfare in the UK. Report, University of Durham,  UK, June.

  2. Citigroup Ltd. (2011) How to make your money work for you. Report for the Department of Finance. Report no. 123345, 13 June. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


    1. ISO 27799:2008 (2008) Information security management in health. 

At the end of the submission, please state your name, title, affiliation, and e-mail address.  In addition, please attach a short (50 to 75 word) biographical sketch.

Once your submission has been accepted, you will be sent a legal form to sign which assigns  the copyright of your article to  SAGE.  Please return a hard  copy to  SAGE at the address on the form and an e-mail copy as an attachment to ISR. (SAGE permits you to publish the whole or part of the review elsewhere in work  written or compiled by  you, as long  as appropriate  acknowledgements are made.)

You will be sent proofs of your review for correction. Please make any corrections needed pr-omptly, and return the proofs as instructed.  Copies of your  published  review will be sent to  you by SAGE.

Each submission will be given careful editorial attention, and questions may be raised with the contributor before a final version is accepted. There may also be some editing for language,  especially where the contributor is not a native speaker of English, but any non-trivial sugge-stions will be  discussed with the contributor  to  ensure that the intended meaning has been retained. Contributors are encouraged to raise issues with the editor at an early stage if they  are not certain of the best way to proceed, and their  suggestions of the most  effective ways   to fulfil our remit—even if those go beyond the points made above—will be welcomed.

Please note: The necessary complexity of the editorial processes, as well as possible delays in  international postal services, imply that prompt attention to queries and serious adherence to deadlines are of the highest importance.



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